Andy with guitar and peruvian hat

Evolutionary Shamanism

Healing the Planet by healing ourselves and our community

Living this life to the full

Falling in love with Mother Earth

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  • Hi lovely people.

    This is where I share my thoughts, insights, techniques and reflections on joyful, prosperous survival as a species here on this wonderful planet in these amazing times.

    This is based on a lifetime studying the nature of who we are as a species, our relationships with ourselves, each other and the planet we call home.

    This includes healing, spiritual, shamanic and practical processes from many ancient and contemporary cultures and systems... and contemporary scientific endeavour as well.

What is Evolutionary Shamanism?

Traditional Shamanism, in Central Asia, is about communicating with the Spirits in nature in order to see what is happening and what needs to be done for the wellbeing of the tribe in areas of health, hunting, harvest, warfare, weather etc.

Evolutionary Shamanism uses similar techniques to allow us to go inside ourselves to connect with our own Spirit… to find and process the causes of disharmony and disease… in order to see what is happening and what needs to be done … for our health, for our abundance, for the health of our families and community, and for our connection to Mother Earth.

If we are to survive and prosper as a species, we need to evolve in our thought processes, and our relationships with each other and with this planet … so our techniques of healing need to evolve. And this needs to happen right now!

Evolutionary Shamanism helps us to let go of toxic ego, competitiveness, greed, anger and hatred; helps us to re-write the story of our relationship with each other and all our relations.

Evolutionary Shamanism brings the power of this ancient journeying technique into resonance with the energies of the Heart… helps us to learn to use the power of love, compassion, forgiveness, Ayni (reciprocity) and Ubuntu (humanity to others).

Evolutionary Shamanism gives us the tools we need, right now, for our survival and our prosperity.

These two items that I wear around my neck, close to my heart at all times...

On the left, the Chakana, Peruvian symbol of the 3 layers of existence: the inner world, this world and the spiritual world. This one is made of stone from the ancient citadel Saksaywaman, and was made by amazing macrame artist Paul Carrasco of Eucalypto.

On the right, the Pachamama spiral: representing the energy of our Mother Earth in such a beautiful, simple way. This one, in silver, comes from the wonderful markets in Pisac, in the Sacred Valley.

These two amulets remind me of my place in the universe. It's a good place!

Chakana and pachamama symbol